Annual Report 2015


Remuneration for members of the Board of Directors

Shareholders decided at the Annual General Meeting in 2015 to pay remuneration to the Board of Directors for the period from 4 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 in the amount and manner prescribed by the Regulation on Remuneration and Compensation Paid to Members of the Russian Railways Board of Directors (approved by the decision of the Russian Railways Board of Directors on 18 May 2015).

Under the Regulation developed in accordance with the recommendations of the Russian Federal Property Management Agency and the Code of Corporate Governance, remuneration is calculated using a formula based on the main component of remuneration, which is equal to RUB 2,000,000 and depends on the participation of members of the Board of Directors in Board meetings. Board members are paid additional remuneration for performing additional functions that is calculated according to the base portion of remuneration and increased by the following ratio:

  • 3 for the Chairman of the Board of Directors (excluding individuals who perform the functions of the Chairman of the Board of Directors in his absence);
  • 2 for a member of the Board of Directors who performs the functions of Chairman of the Board of Directors;
  • 1.5 for a member of the Board of Directors who performs the functions of a member of a committee under the Board of Directors.

Additional remuneration shall be paid for participation in the work of committees, provided that the member of the Board of Directors personally attended (submitted a written opinion for) at least 75% of the in-person meetings held over the course of the corporate year.

If a member of the Board of Directors performs the functions of a member and/or the chairman of a committee under the Board of Directors on more than one committee, additional remuneration shall be paid for the functions performed on each committee.

The Regulation does not apply to members of the Board of Directors who are members of the executive bodies of Russian Railways or who are restricted or prohibited from receiving any payments from commercial organisations by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

According to the decision of the Russian Railways Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, a total of RUB 42,090,909 were spent on remuneration paid to members of the Russian Railways Board of Directors.