The Audit Commission oversees the Company’s financial and economic activities and acts on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Charter of Russian Railways and the Regulation on the Russian Railways Audit Commission approved by Order No. 265-r of the Russian Government dated 25 February 2004.
The purview of the Audit Commission includes auditing the Company’s financial and economic activities based on its performance for the year and at any time based on its own initiative, a resolution of the Board of Directors or at the request of a shareholder; auditing and analysing the Company’s financial condition, its ability to pay, the operation of the internal control system and the financial and operational risk management system, asset liquidity and the debt to equity ratio; confirmation of the accuracy of the data contained in the Company’s annual report, the annual financial statement and other reports as well as the Company’s other financial documents; verifying the compliance of the decisions on financial and economic matters adopted by the Company’s President, Board of Directors and Management Board with the Charter and the resolutions adopted by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
The Russian Railways Audit Commission elected in accordance with Order No. 1233-r of the Russian Government dated 30 June 2015 was approved with seven members:
Education: Griboedoev Institute of International Law and Economics, Law, Lawyer.
Professional experience:
2005-2009 — Director, Legal Department; Director, Corporate Relations Department, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.
2006 — General Director, Centre for the Development of Corporate Relations and the Resolution of Economic Disputes non-profit partnership.
2009 — Managing Director for Corporate Relations and Legal Support, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs. Member of the Board of Directors, VCIOM, IDGC of Volga, Kubanenergo, IDGC of North Caucasus and State Transportation Leasing Company; Chairman of the Board of Directors, Innovative Production Centre of Textiles and Light Industry, VNIPIneft, Production Centre, Central Research Institute of the Leather Footwear Industry, Central Research Institute of the Technological Fitting of Textile Equipment, the Central Research Institute of Integrated Light Industry Automation and Central Research Institute of Film Materials and Artificial Leather.
2012 — Member of the Russian Railways Audit Commission.
Education: Plekhanov Russian Academy of Economics.
Professional experience:
2006-2013 — Lead Manager, Chief Manager and Director, Russian Banks Division, Office of Subsidiary Banks, Corporate Development and Financial Assets Department, VTB Bank.
2013-present — Advisor to the Director of the Russian Federal Property Agency; Director, Corporate Technologies Office, Russian Federal Property Agency.
2013 — Member of the Russian Railways Audit Commission.
Education: MISA National University of Science and Technology and Kutafin Moscow State Law University.
Professional experience:
2009-present — Chief Specialist/Expert, Consultant and Deputy Director, Corporate Governance Division, Department of Property Relations and Regional Planning, Russian Ministry of Transportation.
2014-present — Member of the Russian Railways Audit Commission.
Education: Bauman Moscow State Technical University; Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation.
Professional experience:
1999-present — General Director, AuditGroup.
2015-present — Member of the Russian Railways Audit Commission.
According to Order No. 1233-r of the Russian Government dated 30 June 2015, a total of RUB 1.5 mln were spent in 2015 on remuneration for members of the Russian Railways Audit Commission for work conducted in 2014.