Annual Report 2015


Long-haul passenger transportation via Russian Railways infrastructure

The following companies provide long-haul passenger transportation services via Russian Railways infrastructure:

  • S&A of Russian Railways (Federal Passenger Company and Sakhalin Passenger Company). Their share of passenger turnover is 95.5%. In particular, Federal Passenger Company has a 95.2% share, including a 89.7% share of passenger turnover via its own trains.
  • Independent carriers: Grand Service Express TC, Tverskoy Express and TransClassService. Their share of passenger turnover is 1.4%.
  • High-Speed Transportation Directorate. Its share of passenger turnover is 2.8%.

Long-haul passenger turnover via Russian Railways infrastructure decreased 7.0% to 89.5 bln pass. km in 2015, while the number of passengers transported fell 5.0% to 97.9 mln.

Long haul passenger turnover on Russian Railways infrastructure, bln pass. km
Long haul passenger turnover on Russian Railways infrastructure
Number of long-haul passengers transported, mln passengers
Number of long-haul passengers transported

Performance results of Federal Passenger Company

Federal Passenger Company trains transported passengers 86.1 bln pass. km in 2015 (down 9% compared with 2014), including 81.1 bln passengers via its own trains.

Federal Passenger Company had income from core operations of RUB 181.2 bln in 2015 (down 2.4%), including RUB 160.0 bln of income from passenger transportation (down 2.6%). Operating expenses also decreased — from RUB 204.9 bln in 2014 to RUB 199.0 bln in 2015.

For the year, Federal Passenger Company had net profit of RUB 0.1 bln versus a loss of RUB 0.4 bln the previous year.

Key financial indicators of Federal Passenger Company, RUB bln
Indicator 2014 2015 Change, %
Income from core operations 185.6 181.2 –2.4
Income from passenger transportation 16.2 16.0 –.6
Income from other sales 21.4 21.2 –0.7
Expenses on core operations 204.9 199.0 –2.9
Expenses on transportation operations 189.6 183.6 –3.2
Expenses on other sales 15.2 15.3 0.8
Operating profit (loss) –19.3 –17.8 –7.8
Result from other income and expenses 20.5 20.2 –1.6
Profit (loss) before tax 1.2 2.4 50
Net profit/loss –0.4 0.1

For more on the performance results of Federal Passenger Company, see the company’s website.