Annual Report 2015


Occupational safety

20 % decline in the injury rate compared with 2014

The Russian Railways Group’s Occupational, Environmental, Industrial and Fire Safety Policy is the fundamental document that describes the Company’s position, goals and key objectives in ensuring the safety of production processes.

The Company has established and employs an Occupational Health and Safety Management System to meet these objectives.

In order to improve occupational safety management efficiency, the Company systematically conducts work to improve its regulatory framework. There are roughly 150 occupational safety rules and instructions in effect at Russian Railways.

The injury rate is the key efficiency indicator of how the occupational safety management is functioning.

In 2015, the injury rate declined 20% compared with the previous year, while the fatal injury rate fell 30%.

Occupational injury dynamics
Key industrial safety indicators
Indicator 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
Spending on labour safety (measures to improve occupational safety and conditions), RUB mln 11,117.3 12,676.1 16,030.0 16,330.0 18,593.5
Occupational injury frequency rate (number of injures per ‘000 workers) 0.45 0.39 0.39 0.34 0.29
As a percentage, ‘000 jobs 10.8 19.7 7.5 9.4 4.3
Improved labour conditions, ‘000 jobs 49 55,7 46 33 23