Annual Report 2015


Transportation and Logistics

Transportation and Logistics

As a result of the measures undertaken by the business unit to increase the freight base and income, loaded freight turnover grew 0.3% to 2,304.8 bln tkm in 2015.

Key achievements of the business unit in 2015

  1. Despite the crisis, loaded freight turnover totalled 2,304.8 bln tkm, up 0.3% from the 2014 level, thanks to measures implemented by the business unit to increase the freight base and income
  2. A total of 23,076 trains took part in the ‘Scheduled Freight Shipments with an Agreed Departure and Arrival Time’ project (growth of 59%)
  3. The proportion of shipments delivered by the required (contractual) date increased 5.8 p.p. to 92.9%
  4. The route speed of container trains grew 1.1% to 892 km/day, and 6.1% to 1,139 km/day as part of the ‘Trans-Siberian Mainline in 7 Days’ project
  5. The share of the Russian Railways Group’s profit from the implementation of integrated transportation and logistics services